Background and Scholarship Program Objectives

Dr. Mitsuzo Shida (1935-2018) was a graduate of the Faculty of Engineering at Kyoto University. After continuing his research and obtaining his Ph.D. in the United States, he remained in the U.S. where he achieved great success in the field of polymer science. It was his wish to create the Shida Scholarship Program to provide students and researchers enrolled in the Faculty of Engineering at Kyoto University, with a scholarship opportunity to support their advanced studies and research in the United States. The Shida Scholarship Program is made possible by a generous donation from the family of the late Dr. Shida. To learn more about his amazing life and achievements, please access Dr. Mitsuzo Shida’s biography here.

Tracks of Program

I. Research Track

① Post-Doctoral Research (Up to 2 year award)
② Joint Research (Up to 1 year award)

II. Ph.D. Earning Track (Up to 2 year award)

Scholarship Amount

I.  ① Post-Doctoral Research : Up to $15,000
② Joint Research: Up to $15,000
II. Ph.D. Degree: Up to $30,000

Application Requirements

The applicant must meet the following requirements:

  • Be enrolled in Kyoto University’s Faculty of Engineering OR Graduate School of Engineering at the time of their application.
  • Be a Japanese citizen or permanent residents of Japan.
  • Start their study abroad in the year of admission to the scholarship program. Students who graduated from Kyoto University’s Graduate School of Engineering and have already started studying abroad and are currently continuing their research in the U.S. or those who already graduated from Kyoto University and are continuing their research at Kyoto University are also eligible.
  • Intend to pursue research at a graduate school or an equivalent research institution in the United States.
  • If applying for the Ph.D. track, applicants must plan to obtain a Ph.D. at a university in the United States.
  • Research/study must be related to an Engineering field.
  • This scholarship can only be applied to private study abroad. If you are currently in or plan to apply to a government or company funded program, you may not be eligible for this scholarship. This scholarship may also exclude you from being awarded funding from those types of programs depending on their requirements. In this case, at the time of the application, applicants must notify the Shida Scholarship Program manager in writing(in the Application Form) with the details about
    additional sources of income or potential sources of income including:
    – Names of institutions or scholarships you’ve applied for additional funding.
    – The amount of funding if known at the time of the application.
  • English language proficiency is an important component of the selection criteria, although we do not set a minimum score for TOEFL/IELTS, etc. While there is not a minimum standard for English language skill at the time of the application, accepted scholars are expected to acquire a certain level of English language proficiency before traveling to the U.S. to the extent that it will not interfere with your life, studies, or research immediately after arrival.
  • There is no age limit.
For how to apply, click here for more details. Please use this Application Form in applying.
For details on Shida Scholarship Program Guidance for Scholars, click here.


京都大学工学部卒業生で米国にて研究を続け博士課程を取得した後、米国に残り高分子科学(Polymer Science)の分野において大成功を収めた故志田光三氏(1935-2018)の遺志を継いだご家族とご本人のご意向に基づき、志田氏の母校である京都大学工学部に在籍する学生及び研究者に対して、米国で更なる高度な研究を継続させる目的で、本奨学金制度が設立されました。本奨学金制度は、故志田氏のご家族からの寛大な寄付により成り立っております。(故志田光三氏の功績等の詳細はこちら


I. 研究型

① ポスドク研究 (2年間分まで支給)

② 共同研究  (1年間分まで支給)

II. Ph.D.取得型 (2年間分まで支給)


I.  ① ポスドク研究 : $15,000まで
② 共同研究:  $15,000まで
II. Ph.D 取得留学: $30,000まで



  • 応募時に京都大学工学部または大学院工学研究科に在籍している者。
  • 日本国籍保持者又は永住権取得者。
  • 奨学生採用内定後、同年から留学を開始する者。なお、本学を卒業・修了後、既に留学を開始し、米国で現在研究を続けている者や本学を卒業・修了し、現在京大で研究を続けている者も対象とする。
  • アメリカの大学院又は大学院同等の研究機関で研究を行うことを志望してい る者。
  • Ph.D.取得型の場合は、アメリカの大学で博士学位を取得することを志望して いる者。
  • 学業、研究内容が工学部分野に関連していること。
  • 私費留学であること。現在既に国費留学や企業派遣が内定されている、或い はこれから応募の予定がある場合は、本奨学金は受給できないものとする。 また、本奨学金の受給により国費留学・企業派遣の制度の条件によっては、 国や企業から資金の支給がなされない可能性もあることに留意すること。 他の民間財団、機関等からの奨学金や支援資金の受給が確定或いは予定して いる場合は、本奨学金制度の応募時点で当該奨学金等の詳細情報を応募用紙 に下記内容を記入して申し出ること。(併給は可。)
    – 追加の資金援助の為に応募した機関・奨学金制度の名称
    – 応募の時点で判明している奨学金・支援資金の額
  • 英語能力の最低基準(TOEFL/IELTS等の最低スコアラインなど)は設けない ものの、英語能力は選考段階において重要な判断基準となる。応募時点で英 語の最低水準はないが、選考された奨学生は渡米直前の段階において、渡米 直後の生活や学業及び研究に支障をきたさない程度の英語力を身に付けてい ることが期待される。
  • 年齢制限無し。